Coloboma coriorretiniano unilateral como hallazgo en. A case of a 12yearold girl with chronic kidney disease, bilateral optic nerve colobomas and an exceptional pax2 gene mutation is presented. Abstract renalcoloboma syndrome is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by renal hypodysplasia and coloboma. Anomalias congenitas y del desarrollo del nervio optico.
Coloboma is defined as a congenital defect in the uveal tissue and it occurs because of a failure of fusion of an embryonic feature called the intraocular fissure. It is defined as a congenital defect in any ocular tissue, typically presenting as absent tissue or a gap, at a site consistent with aberrant closure of the optic fissure. Coloboma arises from abnormal development of the eye. Failure of fusion can lead to coloboma of one or multiple regions of the inferior portion of the eye. Coloboma is an ocular birth defect resulting from abnormal development of the eye during embryogenesis. Isquemia retiniana y proliferacion fibrovascular tardia. Tratamiento del coloboma american academy of ophthalmology. Anomalias congenitas y del desarrollo del nervio optico pdf. Coloboma congenito y desarrollo embriologico del ojo. The optic fissure closure defect ofcd of coloboma is a segmental ocular defect, affecting some or all of the. Coloboma del nervio optico percepcion visual ojo humano.
During the second month of development before birth, a seam called the optic fissure also known as the choroidal fissure or embryonic fissure closes to form the structures of the eye. Causas, signos, sintomas, diagnostico, tratamiento. National eye institute national institutes of health national eye institute national institutes of health. A coloboma from the greek koloboma, meaning defect is a hole in one of the structures of the eye, such as the iris, retina, choroid, or optic disc. The hole is present from birth except for one case, where it developed within the first few months of the childs life and can be caused when a gap called the choroid fissure, which is present during early stages of prenatal development.
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