Do not handle electrical equipment when hands, feet or body are wet or perspiring, or when standing on a wet floor. Page 2 of 3 always inspect extension cords and the cords of power tools and equipment for damage cuts, fraying and defective plugs before using them. Basic electrical safety is a very important part of everyday life, but what has become an integral part of todays modern world can harm you or even kill you. Conductors substances, such as metals, that have little resistance to electricity. The electrical safety foundation international is a nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace.
Never use any appliance or equipment with a wet hand or while touching anything wet. Ask each group to identify at least three things that could have been done to prevent this death. Call the electric utility company to report fallen. Make sure all electrical cables are physically inspected for any cuts, abrasions or if they are immersed in water due to clogging etc.
Marine electrical safety is a very elaborate topic having several aspects to cover, so we will talk about some very basic tips here and continue the discussion in our future articles. Office electrical safety the state office of risk management. Grantee materials by topic occupational safety and health. The noncontact electrical tester this is a testing tool that i have had in my personal electrical tool pouch for years, and is the first test tool i grab to help identify electrical wiring. The dangers of electricity, electri cal shock, and the resulting injuries will be discussed. Georgia department of administrative services 3 current the movement of electrical charge. This information will prepare you for additional safety training such as. General safety tips for working with or near electricity. Always call a certified electrician to do any wiring in your home.
Download electrical safety tutorial pdf version previous page print page. You will get an electrical shock if a part of your. Never assume that a wire is safe to touch even if it is down or appears to be insulated. Please try the a to z directory here or use the search tool. Electrical safety is for everyone because even contact with the standard 117 volt electrical circuits, which we constantly use, can be lethal under certain conditions. Electricity can also be a hazard causing injury or death. Inspect tools, power cords, and electrical fittings for damage or wear prior to each use. Unfortunately there is not always an electrical receptacle located nearby to.
Electrical safety summary 53 annex a 54 electrical safety terms and definitions 54 annex b 61 electrical safety codes and standards 61 annex c 63 energized electrical work permit 63 annex d 65 arcflash calculation steps 65 annex e 67 arc flash calculator tables 67 annex f 71 resources for electrical safety 71 annex g 73 references 73 annex h 74. You will learn about the safety model, an important tool for recognizing, evaluating, and controlling hazards. Always tape cords to walls or floors when necessary. Marine electrical safety and fire safety tips for ship. Electrical safety training for the manufacturing industry. Give students handout c electrical safety scenario. This ppt very useful to industrial safety person for give training about electrical safety. Electrical safety in the workplace 2 course goal the aim of this program is to provide comprehensive onsite training to highrisk workers i. It is the most widely adopted safety code in the united states and the world, and it serves as the benchmark for safe electrical installations. Complete guide to electrical safety in the workplace the national safety council indicates that electrical hazards cause nearly one workplace fatality every day. This is the basic principal of lock out and tag out. Report any broken poles or trees on the power line or any downed electric lines to novec or the police immediately.
Replace or repair loose or frayed cords on all electrical devices. Follow our simple electrical safety tips to keep yourself and your family safe at home. Outlets without a snug fit should be replaced by a licensed electrician. Electrical safety tips electrical repairs electrical. Assume that all overhead wires are energized at deadly voltages. Everywhere you go, machines, computers, tools, household items, everything runs on electricity. Student manual centers for disease control and prevention. Test test test on x 1 fpw12 visit esfis website at. All the accidents due to electrical equipments are categorized under electrical hazards. Over 30,000 domestic electrical accidents happen every year, this video gives tips and advice to help prevent electrical accidents. We may think we know all there is to know about the dangers of electrical mishaps, but there are still electrical safety rules to be strictly observed. Call bc one call at 1 800 474 6886 before digging in your yard.
Consider all floors as conductive unless covered with insulating matting of suitable type for electrical work. Basic electrical safety course not designed to teach you to work on electrical equipment. Keep curious kids safe from the temptation to stick foreign objects into outlets or plugs. This page provides a range of electrical safety tips for both inside and outside the home and looks at ways you can make your home or office a safer place around electricity. Basic electrical safety avoid misuse of extension cords reference 1910 subpart s 1926 subpart k think of all the activities we perform at work that would be so much more difficult, if not impossible, to do without electricity. However, we need to be cautious and keep safety in mind. Esfi has developed a number of resources to help educate homeowners, consumers, older adults, and children. Home electrical safety many electrocutions and home fires can be prevented simply by understanding basic electrical safety principles and adhering to safe practices. Never touch or climb trees that are near power lines. Therefore electrical safety is especially important in the workplace. Although injuries from electrical hazards represent a fraction of total onthejob injuries, they are more likely to result in death than injuries from other causes, according to the arlington, vabased electrical safety foundation international. Osha office of training and education electrical elbasic1195 3 electrical materials a material that contains many free electrons and is capable of carrying an electric current is called a conductor. Refer to our visual guide to electrical safety tips.
Gain some knowledge on basic electrical safety tips these five tips will help you enjoy the devices and appliances you love while keeping everyone safe from harm. Two of the most common causes of todays electrical accidents, such as electrical shock, is 1 lack of education, andor 2 lack of. Ask each group to identify at least three things that could have been done to. Most of the electrical health and safety regulations can be found in t8ccr, chapter. Maintain at least 30 inches of clearance in front of electrical panels to ensure a safe environment for facilities workers. Electrical fire safety follow these electrical safety tips to help keep your home firesafe. Electrical safety in the workplace is an important topic that is addressed by nfpa 70e, standard for electrical safety in the workplace 2015 edition. Never touch big, metal transformer boxes with warning signs.
Plastic inserts can be used but they can be pulled off. Calosha regulations on electrical safety require california employers to provide workers with a safe and healthful workplace. I agree to report all injuries to my foreman immediately, no matter how minor the. Building safety c8 home electrical safety tips here are some checks you can make in your home today to ensure electrical safety. Tips for maintaining electrical safety top electricians. Gold, silver, aluminum and copper are all good conductors. These regulations are contained in title 8 of the california code of regulations t8ccr. Nails and staples can damage cords causing fire and shock hazards. Electrical workers safety handbook 1 a c k n o w l e d g m e n t handbook acknowledgment this is to acknowledge that i have received my copy of the electrical workers safety handbook. Anant agarwal and jeffrey lang, course materials for 6. With the invention of electrical testers, circuits are easy to test, and with circuit breakers and fuses, circuits. Or perhaps its a missing knockout plug on the side of an electrical box. Osha 10hour safety course electrical safety page 5 of 5 use the threestage safety model to stay safe. Electrical injuries an arc flash is a release of energy caused by an electric arc figure 262.
Electrical safety michigan water environment association. Never use an extension cord with a major appliance it can easily overheat and start a fire. With the invention of electrical testers, circuits are easy to test, and with circuit breakers and fuses, circuits can be shut off to avoid contact with electricity altogether. If you are trying to work on some electrical problem, where you are unsure, just do not venture to try your. In areas with small children, electrical outlets should have plastic safety covers. Electrical safety durham public schools makes regular use of electrical equipment. Advice on safe work practices for energized circuits and parts, or high. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Safety tips have all electrical work done by a qualified electrician. Top 10 home electrical carroll electric cooperative. The level of awareness on electrical hazards and safety.
The electrical safety foundation international found that each day, seven children must be treated for injuries caused by electrical shock. Unplug machinery and appliances before cleaning, inspecting, repairing, or removing something from them. In this presentation here is a complete guide to workplace electrical safety. Electrical safety is the keyword that should be strictly kept by anybody working with electricity. Check with both your jurisdiction and electrical utility company when working, driving, parking, or storing materials closer than 15 m 49 feet to overhead power lines. If you must be close to power lines, you must first call your electrical utility company and they will assist you. Ppt electrical safety powerpoint presentation free to. To develop an effective electrical safety program, all levels of personnel at a company or facility must be involved and committed to the program. Teachers, principals, support persons, and maintenance services work hard to make sure that electrical equipment is used safely on school campuses.
Electrical safety is everyones responsibility and should be observed every time you even think about touching something connected to an electrical circuit. See the magnifying glass at the top right of the page. Outlets check for outlets that have loosefitting plugs, which can overheat and lead to fire. Avoid running extension cords across doorways or under carpets. Appliances always plug major appliances, like refrigerators, stoves, washers and dryers, directly into a wall outlet.
I am here with some of the electrical safety tips for home. A presentation on the basics of electrical safety, including terminology, an introduction to fundamentals of electricity, and ways to prevent electrocution. You will learn skills to help you recognize, evaluate, and control electrical hazards. Even the most experienced electrical contractors should follow the following tips for their safety. Note to the learnerthis manual describes the hazards of electrical work and basic approaches to working safely. Safety tips and safe practices when working with or near electricity or electrical devices. Insulators substances, such as dry wood, rubber, glass and bakelite, that have high resistance to. Electrical fire safety prevention strategies and outreach materials, including community and school presentations, instructions for testing an afci, and a home fire safety checklist. Follow the manufacturers instructions for plugging an appliance into a receptacle outlet. Unqualified personnel for the purposes of electrical safety related work practices, there are two types of employees in the work place that may come in contact with electrical equipment on a.
It covers overloading sockets, faulty wiring and leaving. Electrical burns most common shockrelated, nonfatal injury occurs when you touch electrical wiring or equipment that is improperly used or maintained. General industry electrical hazards including arc flash. The specific safety related work practices must be consistent with the nature and extent of the associated electrical hazards.
Electrical safety electrical hazards can cause burns, shocks and electrocution death. The necs mission is to provide practical safeguards from the hazards that arise from using electricity. Here are some tips to help you maintain proper caution, to help keep you and your family safe around the house, and to avoid electrical fires and accidents. Page 6 of 49 efcog electrical safety improvement project 1. I agree to read and follow all safety rules outlined in this booklet. Electrical safety in todays modern and technological environment is extremely important. Safety requirements at electrical substations though governed by several rules, legalities, and codes, the ieee c2 national electricity safety code nesc standard takes precedence. Electricity is a powerful source of energy that powers lights, tools, machinery and many other devices necessary for our daytoday work. If you see a problem, do not use the item until it has been repaired. Treat every power line as if it were a live wire and dangerous.
If electricity is properly controlled, its very useful, but if you dont treat it with respect and follow the rules, its. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. An essential part of any electrical safety program is training. Download a printable brochure of home electrical safety tips. Consumer product safety commission and the national electrical safety foundation, every year incidents involving electrical equipment, such as. Electrical safety means to avoid accidents caused due to electrical hazards. Indoors our homes depend on electricity to provide us with light, food, heating, cooling and entertainment. The safest way to test electrical devices and identify electric wires. That page does not exists or is now living at a different address. Electrical safety electrical work can be deadly if not done safely. Electrical safety hazards osha top 10 electrical safety. This standard addresses arc flash and shock hazards, and there is a need for more empirical incident data on the actual hazards that may be experienced when equipment faults or adverse. To help you stay safe when using electricity, evoenergy has compiled these electrical safety tips.
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